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Syrian Hamster Noises?

21 12:00:46

Hi Katie,

I was wondering if you could help me out.

I have a male syrian hamster, about 10 months old. He is generally very active, and always wants attention. I think he is quite happy.

Im getting concerned by some noises he makes. It sounds like a sneeze. If it is, could it be a cold? Is this cause for concern?

Also, he appears to have developed a small lump on his testicles. He doesn't seem to be in any discomfort, Im probably worrying over nothing, but I would appreciate any info you could pass on.

Thanks very much


        Your hamster could have a cold, it's not that uncommon. This part is no cause for concern. The lump on his testicles, well that could be two things. One, it could just be the inner part of the testicle, which is no big thing. Two, it could be a tumor and should be examined by  vet.

Thanks for writing