Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Hamster is wobbly and breathing fast

Hamster is wobbly and breathing fast

21 11:50:53

Hello, I noticed that my 2-year-old female Hamster, Ally, has been wobbly on her legs, rocking back and forth, and breathing fast since this morning.  She will let me pick her up, but she just stays in my hand (usually she is squirly).  Even when she's sleeping, she's breathing fast.  What do I do?????

Hi Katherine,

    Given the age of your hamster and the way she is acting, I feel that she is probably getting close to passing. I have seen this many times. All you really can do is give her your love and let her know you are there.
    So sorry and I really hope that I am wrong.

Thank you for writing.