Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > where?


21 11:42:51

hi, I live in fife in Scotland.
I would really like a hamster, but my parents would not like  one. Just out of interest could you give me an website that sells hamsters from breeders. is it true that it is better to get a hamster from a breeder

Hi Sarah,

    I do not know of any hamster breeder sites that sell hamsters.
    You can get great hamsters from pet stores, if you know what you are looking for.
    Here are some things to look for when picking a hamster: Their coat (fur) should be well groomed and shiny.
There should be no drainage coming from their nose or eyes.
Check their body. There should be no lumps or bumps.
They should be active. Not just laying around or moping.
Check their bottom. It should be clean and not dirty looking. Also check the other hamsters bottoms that are in the same cage (they should be clean also. If one is not then I would not pick a hamster from that cage).
    Hamsters are great pets. Hopefully some day soon your parents will let you have one.

Thank you for writing and best of luck!