Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > I know this will sound very...

I know this will sound very...

21 13:31:42

I know this will sound very wierd but owell.  i have baby hamsters and the mom hamster in the same cage.  if they had babies would the babies come out deformed in anyway or anything like that?  thank you

you didn't tell me your breed of hamster, but its a fairly simple question anyways :-)
  if you hamsters are serian, they shouldn't live together anyways, and so no further breeding will happen. serian hamsters can't be bred with brothers and sister becuase of deformities.
 But if your hamsters are dwarf its fine for them to all live and breed together, dwarf hamsters are so small that inbreeding doesn't really effect them at all and so its ok if brothers and sisters have babies together.
suz x