Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My hamster nibbles me.

My hamster nibbles me.

21 11:49:29

QUESTION: Hi Joanne, about a week ago, I purchased my first ever hamster. She's an extremely cute short haired Syrian hamster and I love her to bits. She is nine weeks old and I named her Fudge :). Recently, I have been trying to tame her and I have got to the point in which she will happily eat out of my hand. I'm not sure she quite knows her name yet although I call her by her name alot. Anyway, after Fudge has eaten out of my hand, she usually sits on my hand and I don't move it through fear of frightening her. She walks around my hand sniffing me and then recently she has started to nibble on my fingers. I usually pull my hand away but afew days ago, I just left her to it thinking she was just getting to know me. She then bit me. She'd never bitten me before and I was really confused. She's the most adorable hamster and I have a ball for her to play in, but I haven't put her in it yet because I can't pick her up. Is the fact that she nibbles my fingers normal? Thank you. -Siobhan
ANSWER: Follow up answer:

Just remember that hamsters only bite or nibble because they are afraid, she doesn't hate you :) also, the taming process can take a while, anything up to a few months, do keep at it and don't give up!

All the best.

joanne x

P.S. Thanks for the rating and kind words, I'm always glad to help, so if there's anything else, just ask :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Joanne, Sorry to bother you again. I took your advice and I've started trying to pick Fudge up by scooping her up on my hand. She's fine, she has no problem with it. And then yesterday, I scooped her up onto both of my hands and actually lifted her up. It was great, she didn't try to jump, she just kind of sat there and looked around. But then remember I told you she kind of nipped me, it's not in a vicious way because it doesn't hurt but when I was holding her up on my hands with my fingers cupped underneath her, she nipped me and then I just left her because I couldnt do anything about it. She bit me. I know that it wasn't because she was scared, because if she was, she would've bitten me straight away. SO I was just wondering how I can pick her up and avoid her nipping me? Also, will this nipping stop? Thanks again
- Siobhan x
ANSWER: Hi Siobhan,

Don't worry yourself about asking me more questions, its what I'm here for :)

First of all, remember to wash your hands before you handle her.

Secondly, she is still only new and learning to be tamed, she is obviously afraid and wary about being handled and is biting you to try to make you stop picking her up. Don't let this get to you, taming can take quite a while (it took me about 6 weeks to fully tame my hamster, and she STILL has the odd nibble now and again) and i know that the thought of getting bit is off putting but you must continue with it. If it helps, you could wear a pair of gloves for the next week or so and then take one glove off when she is used to it to see how she reacts to the smell of your hands, once she is happy with your bare hands, take the other glove off as well. Always feed her treats through the bars of her cage, and be kind to her. she needs to learn that you are not a threat but infact there to look after her and keep her safe. Taming can be and is in your case a long and slow process, don't give up on, in time she will come to be a loving and friendly pet and yes, the nibbling will eventually stop.

again, best of luck and if there's anything else, don't be afraid to ask. Thanks for your new question.

Joanne x

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Joanne, It's me again Siobhan :P I did it! Yesterday, Fudge let me hold her 6 or 7 times without biting or nibbling me! It was the greatest feeling ever! But when I did hold her, she didnt sit still, she kept wanting to run up and down my arm, it must have been fun for her but it was kind of annoying for me. Every day Fudge has been spending around 20 minutes in her exercise ball and she still nibbles me but not nearly as much as she used to and she hasn't bitten me since I last emailed you. I'm so happy! It's been a month of patience and care but I did it, I tamed her! I was just wondering if there's any possible way to get her to sit still in my hand. I've been picking her up by just placing my hand infront of her and she comes up and then I just sit her there, but then she immediately looks for my arm to run up xD She's crazy but I love her to bits. Thanks again Joanne,
Siobhan x

Hi Siobhan,

unfortunately, no, you won't be able to make her stay still if she doesn't want to. I've had my hamster for nearly a year now and she STILL won't sit quietly in my hand. The more you play with her and pet her the more relaxed she will become though and you won't have to worry so much about her jumping off or escaping from you :)

Thanks for your questions.

Joanne xx

P.S. fantastic job in your taming process, very very well done and it's been my pleasure to help you with it :)