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dryer lint for bedding

21 11:30:43

Can I use dryer lint for bedding in my hamster's sleeping area? I use dryer sheets. Thanks.  

Absolutely not, and discontinue using dryer sheets as well. The fibers in both are just as bad as store bought cotton fluff bedding. The fibers are easily caught in a hammy's cheek pouches, and can get wrapped around a foot and cut off circulation. Also the scent can be too over powering to a hamster's delicate respiratory system. Cotton fluff bedding causes the most preventable injuries to a hamster. Here is a good post about the dangers of fluff type bedding

Stick to Aspen wood shavings or recycled paper bedding that is made for small animals especially. If you want your hams bed to have extra plush, just rip a tissue into strips, your hamster will thank you.