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Dwarf Pairs

21 13:29:25


I'm confused. I always understood that dwarfs must live alone. I thought they eventually fight and get territorial and one is dominant and may fight to death. However, i see the other experts say that they are okay in same sex pairs if brought up together from early on (siblings). Is that right. I thought it was hard and fast rule to only do one in a cage?

thank you for your question.
I know that it is often said that sibling can be kept together, but I think that's just an unneccessary risk and stress for the hamsters. Sibling tend to live together more or less peacefully for some time and often longer than unrelated hamsters, but the vast majority will start to fight in the end. If you don't notice the fighting right away, there's a great risk that the hamsters hurt each other badly and even before the real fights they stress each other out.
It's usually impossible to get two hamsters that don't know each other to live in one cage with the exception of breeding pairs, but even those may fight.
I hope I was of some help to you