Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Chewing habits!

Chewing habits!

21 11:29:59

I know your expertise is on Hamsters,I have a question on a gerbil but I'm sure it'll apply to him also.
I'm looking after it for my daughter who is on holiday and she likes him to run about and get some excercise out of his cage, so I put him in my hall and watch over him. Sometimes I have to leave him to go and do something and when  I return he has eaten holes in my carpet despite lots of chewable toys lying around for him. Is there something non toxic I could rub onto the bits that he chews to stop this problem?
I don't want him confined to his gage all day.  Thanks

Although I can't imagine letting any of my critters out of a cage without using a ball or something of the sort to run around in, I understand that every pet is different.  As far as the chewing is concerned, some people have had much success with the bitter apple spray you can get at most pet stores. The thing about rodents in general is that they chew on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and its difficult to stop the chewing because it is genetic.  I would also suggest a ball that is closed up for his safety if you have one/can find out.  Rodents love to exercise but they really dont' care if its free or in a ball, wheel, etc.  I hope this helps.