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Top Teeth

21 13:29:43

Hello Jedediah. I'm really sorry to bother you, but I recently recieved a teddybear hamster, Cookie, as a gift. I've had hamsters before and I noticed that when Cookie yawns I don't see his top teeth, but with my other hamsters they were long like the bottom ones. He seems to be eating fine, but I had given him one of those shred-a-box treats and he wont chew the box, instead he sticks his nose in to get to the treat. Should I be worried and what should I do? Other than that he seems to be a perky happy hamster who loves his wheel!
Thank you for your time! =)

Dear Mary Anne,
thank you for your question.
You should definitely be able to see the hamster's teeth when he yawns. They might have broken off in the past. Since he is eating fine, I guess he has them, but they are still short. I'm not sure if they will grow back to normal length, but I think they will if he doesn't like to chew paper or something else than food at the moment.
I hope I was of some help to you