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Hamster Sleeping in Wheel

21 12:00:29

Have a young hamster - today is day five of ownership. She sleeps and stores food in her wheel (an enclosed, plastic type of wheel). Then she runs in the wheel w/ all the food and some bedding in it.

I've made two beds for her (provided the bedding in two different locations) - and she just takes it to the wheel.

Any suggestions on how to get her out of the wheel 24/7? She does come out on occassion, but that wheel is definitely her safety net.

In time, we will have her in her ball and out of the cage in the pm - but for now and for acclimation, we are keeping her in her cage.

Will she ever feel safe to sleep outside of the wheel?



      Sometimes hamster just pick where they want to be and stay. There really isn't anything you can do. Maybe try taking the wheel out for a short time. To get her to sleep somewhere else, but if you do this make sure she is still getting excercise cause if she doesn't she can die. That is all I can really offer for advice.

Thanks for writing