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going round in circles?!

21 11:30:02

Please help me... iv got a saw dust coloured long haired syrian hamster and I picked him up earlyr today but before i did, i noticed he had had trouble getting out of his nest... and when i put him on my desk to walk around he was really unbalanced and started going round in anti-clockwise circles... his head was tilting to the right and he seemed to be almost falling on his right handside. but he wasnt squealing or making any noises. i dont know what has happened to him, he hasnt fallen, or been hurt. i just want to know what is best to do for him because im so worried about my baby??? please help me xxx

Hi Cassie

Sorry to hear your hamster isn't well.  It sounds as though he might have had a stroke.  Hamsters can also get ear problems which can affect their balance.

I would advise that you get a vet to check him out.  I have heard of hamsters/guineapigs etc. who have behaved like this and they have gone onto live a fairly normal life, albeit with special nursing, modified cage etc.  A vet will need to confirm exactly what has happened and advise you on this.

Good luck - I hope it all turns out OK for you.
