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Teddy Bear Hamsters death

21 11:31:52

I have a teddy bear hamster which is about two years old.About 3 wks ago we let her out of her cage one evening and she kept rolling and her all of her paws were turned in. She seemed to have lost function in her front paw and began a cycle of sleeping more. Two nights ago I came home and found her choking for air on her back with some red around her neck. She was suffering so a neighbor put her out of her misery. I am afraid it is my fault because I gave her a pistachio in the shell. Is it possible that the whole thing got stuck in her throat? or did it have something to do with the injury a couple of weeks ago? or old age?

Hello, I don't think the nut had anything to do with it. Teddy bear hamsters like for about 2-3 years. I think maybe she had a stroke or something and that's probably what caused her to lose functin of her paws and other things you were seeing. It seems that she was just very sick and I think it's quite possible the stroke three weeks ago could have caused what you are seeing. I'm so sorry she passed away but she's no longer suffering.