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What does my Syrian want?

21 13:29:08

Hi.. Well I have an 11 month old Syrian Hamster, and we recieved him just a few days ago. I'm not at all an expert on these animals.
When I wake up at around 2 or 3 AM for a glass of water I usually pass my hamsters cage on the way over. Once he hears me coming down the stairs, he gets out of his bed, and starts frantically scratching on the side of his cage, as if it's trying to get my attention. Does he want out of his house? Does he want to play? Does he want or need something important?

Hi Graham,

It sounds like your hamster may be bored.  To prevent boredom, make sure he has a roomy cage with a wheel.  Also, you can give him toys.  A favorite of mine is by Super Pet, and it's called "Puzzle Pieces."  It's a little kit that you assemble, and it's a lot of fun for hamsters.  And, if you don't already have one, I would suggest you buy a hamster run-around ball.  They're sold in pet stores for just a few dollars.  (Buy one that is 8 1/2" diameter.)  Place your hamster in the ball and secure the door to the ball.  Make sure there are no stairs around, and supervise your hamster.  Do this for about 10-15 minutes 1-2 times a day.  This will provide your hamster with some much-needed exercise, and it will also give hi ma change of scenery.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
