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sore eye

21 11:31:49

My 2 months old dwarf hamster is having kinda sore or reddish  eyelids, its right eye cannot open fully, days before it looks kinda bigger than the left one, now it looks like someone getting a hit in the eye, with red circle around its right eye, my friend told me that there's nothing to worry about as long its not bleeding or came out of its socket, is it really okay?

Hi Imam,

i am really sorry to hear about your hamster being ill.

It sounds as if your hamster has a condition called 'Glucomae' or some other similar condition.

This condition has many various stages so it is best to take him to the vets as soon as possible so the vet can try and catch it before it gets too advanced.

Good Luck.

Please let me know how you get on.

Kind Regards
