Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Tumors?


21 13:27:51

My hamster has been sick for longer than a week i brought her to the vet last thursday because her eye was sticky and closed and oozing a brownish red substance they said it was a respiratory infection n gave her an antibiotic ive been giving it to her as directed but she seems to be getting worse and then to top it all off now her cheek is swollen and red and shiny and it looks as if shes losing hair in that area its on the same side as her eye and her eye stays closed on that side most of the time but she still eats and drinks have any advice on what it is i cant get her back into the vet til friday!
any help would be appreciated thanks a lot

Hmmm.. you know what something could be stuck in her cheek pouch. That happens all the time. What type of bedding do you use??? Take out all the wood shaving and place them with something lik carefresh or soft sorbent bedding. That will help reduce allergies. It could be something in her cheek pouch and that's what i'm strongly thinking sinc it is right on her cheek. The vet would have to put her to sleep to look and make sure her cheek pouch isn't infected. If there is nothing wrong with her cheek pouch than it may be a skin irritation going on. That's what most doctors call it anyways when a small animal starts losing fur on certain parts of their skin. Good luck on your little hamster. You're doing everything that you can do to help her. Keep me posted on how things develop.