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Hamster wont chew anything!!!

21 11:06:30

I have a fancy hamster that is about 10 months old and she won't chew anything. i have tried alot of things to encourage her:carrots, tiolet paper tubes,flavored sticks and seed treat bars, hard pellets,hard treats, pumise stone and she just wont chew. It's really frustrating because as you can imagine her teeth are getting bigger and I can not afford to take her to the vet. What should I do? do you have any advise on how to MAKE her chew?So she won't starve to death!

Dear Jennifer,
thank you for your question.
If she eats the normal food containing seeds and grains, that may be enough to keep her teeth short. I've had hamsters who absolutely didn't chew anything at all and they were fine. If you have access to trees that are not sprayed with pesticides, you can offer small branches and twigs, many hamster like those and thy are a great mineral source. Hazel, beech, birch, poplar, maple, willow, apple, pear, plum, cherry, oak and currant bushes are safe for hamsters.
I would recommend seeing a vet with her, though, just to make sure she hasn't any teeth or other health problems that are not immediately obvious. Most vets are perfectly happy to offer you a payment plan if you cannot pay the bill at once.
I hope I was of some help to you