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my roborovski hamster

21 11:06:39

hello, i just bought a robo from petsmart and i got a book by sharon vanderlip about dwarf hamsters so i no robos are VERY fast, and i experienced this straight as i tried to transfer Ridley (my hanster)to her cage. she jumped out of my hand straight away and i almost lost her. thankfully i got her in the cage thogh :) anyway i wanted to know if there was a good way to handle her to prevent her frome escaping. and also any time i put my finger near the cage she darts away amd i wonder if shes scared i hope not, i dont want her to be scared of me. i wanted to know if there was away to solve this she may just not be used to me, but im still worried about it well thank you for taking the time to read this and  i hope you can help thanks!

Dear Derrick,
thank you for your question.
From what you describe, Ridley pretty much behaves like a normal Roborovski hamster. They are the most shy of the dwarf hamsters and most of them don't get tame enough to be handled. Many will accept treats from their owner's hands, so you can start offering her some (sunflower seeds, mealworms, pumpkin seeds, dried silkworms - just nothing with sugar, honey or molasses). She should learn that she has nothing to fear from you quickly.
But I wouldn't take her out of the cage to run around outside or to be handled, the risk of her getting lost or falling down somewhere would be very high. If you have to take her out, I recommend using a box or a tube that she can crawl into, that's less stressful for her than being handled.
I hope I was of some help to you