Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My Gerbils skin on his tail came off

My Gerbils skin on his tail came off

21 11:59:04

I just got a gerbil today and when i tried to pick him up he started to run and then when I tried to grab her I caught her by the tail on accident and about a half an inch of the skin on her tail came off now there is only bone there. What should I do please answer as soon as possible.

Hello Davey,

This is very common!! It won't affect the ways she lives, and it should heal ok, but you may just want to pop to the vets to make sure she won't need any antibiotics to ensure it doesn't become infected whilst healing! (All the skin may not come back).

But don't worry, like i said it is very common and she can live totally normally!!

Hope this helps, and i hope it heals well!
Just ask if you need anymore help,
Thank you,