Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > dwarf hamster up too much during day

dwarf hamster up too much during day

21 11:30:37

I know you specialize in Robrovski dwarf hamsters, but I was wondering if you could answer a kind of general dwarf hamster question.  I bought what was called a Syrian Dwarf Hamster a few weeks ago.  He was the smallest male, so I am guessing he is still a baby.  When I am doing homework, I move his cage onto my bed so he can be near me and whenever I move his cage he gets all hyper and runs in his wheel and burrows in his shavings and runs all around his cage.  He seems to be doing it in a playful way and never seems upset while playing around.  I don't mine him being so active during the day, because hes crazy and hilarious to watch, but I am worried that it is harmful for him to be awake so much during the day.  Is it bad for a hamster to spend so much time during the day being active?  I don't want to wear him out and make him sick.

Hi Marge,

i am sorry but there is no such thing as a 'Syrian Dwarf' hamster - he is either a Syrian or a Dwarf!

Maybe you could send me a picture so i can tell you what kind of hamster you have?

Please let me know and then i can help you more.

Kind Regards,
