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syrian friends?

21 12:01:39

I have a Syrian golden girl and a Syrian red-eyed black and white male that are living together in harmony for almost 2 months.  After reading all this stuff on this help site here, I am worried that this is not normal.  I didn't know any better.  Got them from Pet Store and they seemed to think it was okay for them both to go home with me and live in the same cage!?!  What should I do?  If I seperate them will they be upset?  Is this weird or what?  Thanks for your help!

Hi KGB, thanks for the question.

Syrian hamsters are solitary by nature, and need to be housed seperately.  It may seem that everything is going well for them, but with Syrians things don't escalate as much as explode.  You may have absolutely no warning that their tolerance for each other has come to an end, and fights can turn deadly in a matter of seconds.  Even the first fight can be fatal, and due to the fact that females are almost always larger than males, the male is probably going to pull the short end of the stick here.

Especially since you are housing a male and a female together, I would say the female is probably pregnant and your time for them living harmoniously is running dangerously short, since she will absolutely not tolerate him near her babies (he will kill them) and she will probably try to get him as far away from her as possible the closer she gets to giving birth.  She will do this by trying to drive him away, but since they are in a cage and he has no where else to go, fights are bound to happen.

You can visit this page to see pictures of what happens when people house Syrian hamsters together:

Feel free to ask me any other questions you may have!