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Whats wrong with my hamsters eye???

21 11:56:46


I was wondering if you could tell me whats wrong with my dwarf hamsters eye. When i picked her up the other night her eye was half way closed. I am pretty sure that she is not blind because her eye doesn't seem to be milky white or any other color. She has been cleaning that eye and around that area allot. She also keeps tipping that direction. She is almost one year old and I want to do everything I can to help her live at least another half of a year. I love her very much and want to help her. Please type as soon as possible. Thank you!

hi keely, it sounds like your little lady could have an infection in her eye if she is paying it a lot of attention, the best advice i can give you is to see a vet, if it is an infection a course of antibiotics should help clear it up, if it is just shut when she gets up however it may just be that she has a little sleep in it, in which case you could bathe it with cotton wool and a little warm water. if you are in any doubt please ring your vet ASAP. i hope this helps, let me know how you get on, Jen