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My scared syrian

21 11:15:01

Hi Sheila,
I have had my baby Syrian for two weeks. As he is my first hamster I read all of the info I could find before hand so I had a basic understanding of what to do. I left him alone for the first few days, but he seemed quite curious about me and whenever I added food to his cage he would come out to see what I was doing. He always seemed to be quite friendly (and nosey). So with this in mind I started to offer treats by hand. After a couple of days of trying he started to take treats from our fingers. Naturally I progressed a bit further and put a treat in the palm of my hand; he eventually got brave enough to put both front feet on my hand to reach the treat. However last Thursday evening he mistakenly thought my husband was offering him a treat, when in fact it was only his finger, and bit him. Unfortunately during the event my hamster escaped from his cage onto the floor. We managed to get him back into his cage and he didn't seem to be injured at all. He's been eating and drinking as normal and moves around ok. Since that evening though he doesn't seem to be interested in us anymore and spends most of the evening sleeping (before he would have a good chunk of time being active). I've tried him with treats again, but I can't even seem to get his attention anymore. I know it will take time for him to gain our trust again. Is there anything you would recommend? Thanking you in advance for your advice.
A concerned pet owner.  

Hi Susie

It can be quite difficult gaining a hamster's trust, especially if they have escaped or been dropped.  However, in many ways perseverance is the best way forward.

Talking to him a lot might help as he will get to recognize you.  If you speak to him whenever you see him out and about in his cage or sense he is awake this might help.  Also, I suggest you continue trying to get him to take treats.

Have you been able to handle him properly or did he just sit in your hand?  If you are worried about handling him, then the best way I have found to handle a scared hamster is to rub some of their bedding into my hands before touching them.  This puts their scent on me and disguises any other smells.  What type of cage is he in?  Is it one that you can remove the top part?  If so, if you remove the top part of the cage, rub some bedding into your hands and then place a hand each side of him and quickly 'scoop' him up.  Immediately put him on your clothing.  I usually sit down to do this so that the hamster can wander over me.  If he is very jumpy when you try to go near him or he runs and hides I advise you continue - don't over-stress him, but if he sees that there is nothing to worry about he should snap out of this behavior when you are around.

If he starts wandering off while he's exploring you, gently slide a hand under him and bring him back.  Don't grab at him or hold him tightly.  After a few minutes return him to his cage.  Hamsters are very curious creatures and chances are he will want to come straight out again.  In which case, let him out again.  

I've found this technique works pretty well and after a few goes of this the hamster often will walk onto their side door to the cage if I open it for them.

Do you have an exercise ball for him?  If not, it might be worth getting one.  I advise that you tape all the openings to the ball so that if he bangs into furniture in it the ball won't open.  The first time you put him in this he might be a bit nervous but usually after a few minutes they get the hang of it.  I usually let mine have a run for about 20 minutes in the evening.  When you come to return him to his cage, don't put your hand inside the ball.  This always freaks them out.  I find the easiest way is open the ball up and either let the hamster walk straight back into their cage, or onto my clothing.

Does this give you any ideas??  I do hope you win back his confidence.
