Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > hamster eye problem

hamster eye problem

21 11:11:28

my hamster has a hard, white film over its eye, and yellow discharge is coming out of a it, and bedding is getting stuck to it.  can you tell me what's wrong? And possibly what to do about it?

Hi Marci

It is difficult to know if your hamster had an infection that has caused the bedding to stick to it, or the bedding has caused the infection.

If you gently wipe the area with a warm damp cloth and see if you can clean away any discharge and get the eye to open.  If there is an infection you will probably need an antibiotic eye ointment.  If your hamster has accidentally stuck something in its eye then this might sort itself out once you clean the area.  However if there is an infection it will need treating.  You might be able to get an eye ointment from your pet shop, otherwise you would need to consult a vet.  Some eye conditions can be painful and therefore it is important that this is treated.

If your hamster has gone blind (the white film could just be associated with an infection and might clear) then blindness isn't a huge problem for a hamster.  Their eyesight is poor anyway - I have 3 blind hamsters and I just have to be careful when I approach them that I don't startle them.  In captivity they are usualy fine.

I hope you get on OK.
