Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > sorry again, gerbils and sand

sorry again, gerbils and sand

21 11:55:14

i bought some chinchilla sand for my new gerbils and put it in a container for them to roll in but they just seemed confused and came back out, i put it in their cage to see if they would understand and bathe in it but after a couple of hours i noticed that they were using it as a litter tray and wernt peeing or pooping anywhere else. i thougt this was cool because it would keep the cage clean so i took out the big container and put in a smaller one of chinchilla sand for them to poop etc in - they still use it as a litter bowl. is it ok to keep it in contanstly casue it says let them have it for 10 mins max -  why? can i keep it in their cage constantly to poo in, as long as i change the sand daily? sry for the long question!

Hi elle,

I would keep it in there!! Mine have chinchilla sand permanently. They all use it as a toilet, but only my youngest gerbils roll in it. This is because the adults don't seem to know what to do with yours are probably still young but not young enough to learn!!! It won't do them any harm to keep it there!! They live in sand in the wild!!!

Hope this helps,