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taming and handling

21 11:32:09

hi, I'm 11 and i need some help, you see, i just got a hamster for a B-day and well its scared of me, I've tried picking him up but he runs off into his nest thingy and never comes out, please help me!

thanks from Stephen :)

Hi Stephen

What type of hamster is this?  Is it a Syrian or dwarf Russian/Chinese?  

The best way is to talk to him a lot - let him know you, and he will start to recognize your voice.  Give him treats (nuts etc) whenever you see him - this way he will start to associate you with something nice.  Don't put your hand in the cage without announcing you're there.  Rub some of the bedding in your hands so that your hamster's scent is on you.  If you can, dismantle the cage - take the top section off - then scoop your hamster up (put a hand each side so that in effect you are cupping your hamster). If this is a dwarf or Robo, they are quite fast (especially Robos) so they will be harder to handle.  Put him on your clothing and let him have a wander, gently scooping him and bringing him back if he starts to wander off.  Only let him out for a short time (matter of minutes) each time, then let him go back into his nest.  A bit later, get him out again.  This way, he'll start to realize that there's nothing to be afraid of. After a while you'll be able to get him out for longer.  You could also get him an exercise ball to have a run in.  These are great - even for nervous hamsters, as it seems to snap them out of this type of behavior.  You can get small exercise balls for dwarf hamsters, or there is the standard ball for Syrians.  Tape any joins and tape the door shut, otherwise these balls can sometimes open up if the hamster bangs into furniture.  Don't try putting your hand in the ball to get him out, let him walk from the ball onto your clothing.

If you are worried he's going to escape - get him out in a room/area of your home that is hamster proof.  Remember that hamsters can get under furniture and in tiny spaces.  If I have a really frightened hamster, I sit in my hallway with them, and let them explore - but I have to block under doorways etc so they don't escape.

Taming hamsters can take time and perseverance - the more you try to handle him the better he will be.  It might take a few weeks before you both feel happy with each other, but it is worth taking the time to tame him as your relationship with him will be so much better.

Good luck with this.
