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My gerbil has this huge lump...

21 13:28:32

My gerbil has this huge lump on one of his front legs. He's had it for about 3 days. He recently started acting ill, like it's been hurting him. His eyes are swollen shut and he's loosing a lot of weight. I was wondering if you knew what it could be, and how I should try to help him get better, if that's possible. Thank you.

Hello! Take him to the vet asap!! He probably has an infection or something. If his eyes are shut and swolen it's probably an infection or severe allergic reaction or something else. The vet can give the proper diagnosis. Do you use ceder or pine bedding?? If so change it out quick. Aspen bedding is the best bedding that is wood beeding to use. Carefresh or soft sorbent bedding is good too. Take your gerbil to the vet though. Good luck and keep me posted!