Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > mother and daughter hamsters

mother and daughter hamsters

21 13:28:33

Dear Kelly,
   my hamster may have a litter of pups. If I decide to keep one can I keep a female with its mother? Could I keep a male with its father? And before the pups are born, if the mother and father don't get along, should I have a backup cage to put the father in to prevent a fight, death of a pup or second litter?

Hi Shelby,

I'm terribly sorry that I'm just now answering your question.  The answer section of Allexperts has been down for maintenance.

As for your question - It depends on what breed of hamster you have.  If you have dwarf hamsters, it's fine to keep a daughter with her mother.  Same goes for the son and the father.  In fact, you can even keep 2 children with their same-sex parent.

With dwarf hamsters, both parents take care of the young.  I've never heard of a case where a male attacks one of his young, so you shouldn't have any problems.  You will need to go ahead and get another cage, though.  Once the pups are 3 weeks old, they're fully weaned.  At that time, they should go in a separate cage from the mother and father.  After 2-3 more weeks, then they're ready to be separated by sex.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
