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Seperating the male...

21 11:51:06

Hi Shawntiah,
When I seperate the male from the female because they keep on having babies does the male have to be seperated for life? If they do, then I don't think I will have the space. I already have the mom and dad gerbil cage and a hamster cage on my dresser and I don't have anymore room. My parents won't let me keep a cage in the living room or anywhere else upstairs. And it gets too cold downstairs... should I sell the male? Help me!

Well if you don't have the room, gerbils will produce litters until they are two years old. If you don't want to have anymore pups then they would have to be seperated, but if you don't want get rid of the male gerbil and you don't mind having more and more pups than you could keep the two together. I really suggest though that if you want to keep them together because you have no room that you give the female gerbil extra nutrients like small animal vitamin drops in their water. If you have a little bit of room, you could buy a smaller cage until your female gerbil recovers from this litter and then put them together a few month later. That way the female can get a break. If you have anymore questions just ask :-)