Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is it ok for your hamster to eat its poo

is it ok for your hamster to eat its poo

21 11:43:01

Ok my hamster Minu Just starting to eat her poo.
I'm worried that she will get sick. Will she.
also she has also been keeping her foodin her cheeks,
then she spits them out in her cage is that normal for a dwarf hamster to do.
I'm really worried about her I like got her 2 or 3 weeks ago
please tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hamsters do some pretty weird things.  Eating her own poo is not really too strange.  I've seen at least two hamsters in my lifetime that do this.  We definitely do not want the hamsters to eat poo but hamsters will sometimes do this, if this hamster is a female then she is simply acting on some instinct. Female hamsters will clean their young (just like any animals) and this will usually include eating poo.  Then there are just the weird hamsters that will eat poo because they like it.

Hamsters have special pouches that are used to store food, this is why having a food dish in a hamster cage is sometimes not very useful, hamsters will take food and go hide it somewhere so they can eat it later.

Make sure your hamster has a constant supply of water and try to offer it some fresh veggies (carrots, brocoli etc) and some occasional fruit, offer it a few veggies and fruit but do not overdo it because this also makes their stool soft. Also make sure it has adequate exercise and hopefully this will help wean it off the habits of eating poo.  

I do not guarantee it will stop eating poo, if it does then that is just one aspect of the hamsters personality.

Good luck!