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My hamster nips

21 11:51:21

Ok i have had my hamster for almost a year and she still nips, it realy hurts i want her to stop but don't know how. My han doesn't smell like food and she always wants out of her cage but when i try to take her out she crawls onto the palm of my hand and then bites me lool please help.

Hi Zoey,

To stop your hamster from biting, I recommend that you go to the pet store and buy Bitter Lime Gel (or Spray).  It's marketed towards ferrets, so it should be in the ferret section.  (It's in the price range of $5-10.) It's safe for all animals.  Simply rub or spray it on your hands before you handle your hamster.  If she tries to bite you, she'll taste the Bitter Lime and be repulsed.  You may have to use the Bitter Lime a few times, but she should soon take the hint and stop biting you :)

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
