Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > what kind of human food...

what kind of human food...

21 11:37:04

what kind of human food can gerbils have?

You can give gerbils:
   * Small amounts of fresh vegetables or fruits, in very limited amounts at first to prevent diarrhoea. Make sure all vegetables and fruits are well washed and pesticide free. You can try items such as carrots, broccoli, dandelion greens, apples, and berries. Avoid raw kidney beans, raw potato, onion, potato leaves, or rhubarb leaves.
   * nuts (sparingly; high in fat)
   * sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds (sparingly; high in fat)
   * whole grain bread (plain or toasted)
   * breakfast cereal (unsweetened types only)
   * raisins, currents
   * small bits of cheese
   * small amounts of egg (scrambled or boiled)
   * occasional mealworms
   * occasional dog biscuits (good for chewing)

These should only be given as a supplement however and not as a replacement for their staple diet of gerbil food.
Best wishes,