Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > My Hamster is Sneezing/Couging...

My Hamster is Sneezing/Couging...

21 11:15:01

Hello, I have a Chinese Dwarf Hamster that i got about 2 months ago. i have been using the CareFresh (colors) bedding which she seems to love, when i first got her i was using the pink but i ran out and picked up some yellow. Over the past month she has started to make a little sneezing or coughing sound then goes into a cleaning of her nose and whiskers. Her activity hasnt changed at all and there is no other signs of sickness (no watery eyes or runny nose.) I am wondering if the color change makes a difference and is causes her so have maybe an allergy to the yellow. It is a different texture than the pink bedding was. Maybe the yellow has more microfibers or something. I am really worried and not sure what to do. what do u think is causing it? Should i switch back to the pink color? Is CareFresh a safe bedding in general or should i use something else? Please help me & my little Penelope! Thanks!

Hi Gabbie

Hamsters can suffer from colds, but as your hamster has been displaying these symptoms over the last month then it is unlikely to be this.  They can also get various respiratory problems, but if it were illness related, I would expect there to be other symptoms.  Hamsters are also prone to allergies, and in cases such as these it really is a case of doing some detective work.

Due to their poor eyesight, hamsters rely heavily on their sense of smell.  As a result, they are very prone to developing problems if they come into contact with scented bedding/wood chippings or perfumes.  This includes any form of air freshener, pot pourri, perfume etc.

I've checked the website for Carefresh and they state that their bedding does not contain any dangerous scents and that the colors are also safe.  It is therefore very difficult to know if changing the color of bedding would have any effect on your hamster.

I think this is a process of elimination.  Firstly, I suggest you check the surrounding area by your hamster's cage to make sure there is nothing that could be causing the problem - plants that might have a scent, perfumes, etc.  If nothing has changed in the past month, then it might be worth substituting her bedding with something else.  You could go back to the pink variety just in case there are different chemicals used to create the colors or you could try the shredded paper type of bedding (but you'll need wood chippings too - make sure they are safe for small animals and are not from pine, cedar or cypressus as they contain a deadly oil to hamsters), or you could leave out all the bedding and instead put in kitchen/toilet paper.  If you use the all white variety of kitchen/toilet paper then tear it into pieces and give her this.  It will mean that you will probably need to clean her out daily but if you do this for a week or two you will be able to see if there is any improvement.  If there is no improvement, then you know that her bedding isn't the problem and it will be a case of looking at other possible causes, in which case you can give her back her usual bedding.  If there is some improvement, then you might want to try a bedding that isn't colored or introduce wood chippings and paper bedding.

I hope this helps you.
