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Hamster Urinating

21 11:55:15

My Grandma took care of my Hamster for three weeks prior to Christmas.  He is very calm, does not bite, allows us to hold him and does not run from us when we try to get him out of the cage.  Whenever my Grandma comes over and holds him, he urinates on her.  Why does he do this and why doesn't he do this to anyone else?

hi taylor,

well its probably because your hamster isnt used to being handled by your grandma. if she doesnt come round very often, he wont remember her and it will be just a new smell again, so hes probably just a bit scared.

secondly, if your grandma has any other pets such as cats or dogs, he will be able to smell them, which again will make him nervous! lol.

the only thing i can suggest is asking your grandma to wash her hands before she touches him.

best of luck and thanks for your question. ask again if you need to and please let me know how you get on.

joanne :)