Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > Health


21 11:43:31

I have a hamster who is approx 6 months old.
I assumed that the gender of the hamster was female as no visable gentials (i didnt ask at the shop as it does not bother me seeing the hamster is kept alone)
but as with age i am aware the hamsters testicles grow in size and now reliase my hamster is a male.
This would not be a problem but it seems that the left testicle is rather swollen and slightly black.
There seems no pain in the hamster when touched or in general and he seems his usual self.
Do you know what it is and what could of caused it?
Does it need to see a vet?
please  reply asap

Hi Kiersten,

It's hard for me to tell without seeing it. If the testicle seems swollen then yes, I would take your hamster to the vet.There they can better diagnose the problem and may be able to give you antibiotics. I'm sorry I couldn't help you more. GOOD LUCK!
