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Sick hamster/syrian 2 years old

21 13:26:39

Good morning Kelly
We have a syrian hamster that is about 2 years old.She got sick a few months ago respritory wheeze we did not take her to the vet but was given the advice to mix apple cider vinegar and water, this worked well.  However she has this last week continued to decline,her breathing is labored and wheezes, we are trying to make her comfortable for the inevitable end.  Can we give her anything to make her more comfortable, we are not going to the vet since this is obviously the end, we would like to treat her well until then.

Hi Jon,

Well, unfortunately there's not much you can do if you're not taking her to the vet.  Just try to keep her comfortable by making sure she has plenty of bedding, and that her food and fresh water are nearby.

The main cause of respiratory infections is Pine or Cedar beddings; these beddings have strong aromatic oils which cause breathing problems and skin allergies in small animals.  In the future, use Aspen or Carefresh bedding.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
