Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > my gerbil is very poorly

my gerbil is very poorly

21 11:32:16

I wonder if you can help me, i have two gerbils and one is active and one not so active,and the active one of them has all of a sudden got fat,and is lifeless he does not run or jump any more and just sits and sleeps all of the time. He is eating and drinking fine though.I am just worried incase he die's.

Hi Jess
How old are your gerbils?  Could this be down to his age?  have you examined him - are there any signs of lumps/bumps in him - especially on his stomach area?  Has there been any fighting?  Are there any signs of bite marks on him?  It would be worth having a close look at him, just to check there is nothing going on.  If everything seems to be OK, I would be inclined to monitor the situation - if it gets worse, then I would recommend you get a vet to examine him to check there is nothing going on internally that is making him behave this way.

Sorry I can't be more help - but in this situation, it is very difficult to know what is going on without seeing him.
