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is my hamsterdying..?

21 13:29:59

Hi, My names Edward and I'm 14 years old. My teddy bear hamster, Syllvia, has been acting ill for the last few days. She doest move as much as she did before, when i pet her she doesnt eeven react anymore, shes always shivering, her eyes are shut, she doesnt even eat when we try to feed her fresh vegetables, she doesnt drink water with vitafluid, she lost weight, and both her right legs are weak. She always flips over her right legs when she tries to walk and it looks so sad. My mom and I always cry when we see her like this. Whats happening to her?

Dear Edward,
thank you for your question.
This sounds very serious, I recommend that you see a vet with your hamster as soon as possible. It might be old age, but if it's an illness, the vet might be able to help her. Phone a few vets in your area and ask them to recommend a rodent vet first or you might find a rodent vet here:
I'm sotty that I cannot be of more help and I hope your hamster will get better.