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girbil stroke

21 11:35:50

Hi my pet girbil had a stroke(i think). He lost feeling of his back legs we took him back to the pet shop and they are going to call me about what they think happened. I got a new pet girbil wen i went to the pet store because i thought that they would put him down. But the same thing has happened to my new pet girbil can i keep it and see if it gets better or take it back to the pet shop. What do i do.
Thanks allot


the decision to keep your gerbil is really up to you. If it was me I'd probably bring him back as I don't know how much of a life he would have without the use of his back legs. If he is able to get around and seems to act normal otherwise then I would keep him, but if I don't think he's going to have a normal life then I would bring him back to the pet store and I'd try a different pet store to get gerbils from since this has happaned twice.