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Sudden death of both hamsters

21 11:37:56


I'm in a state of great confusion and sadness as both of my dwarf hamsters died yesterday. I purchased them two weeks apart, and have had them for only about a month. I kept them in separate cages because I was unable to introduce them successfully, as the bigger one kept picking on the smaller one. I was preparing to clean out their cages yesterday when I noticed the smaller one lying on its back in the corner. I immediately panicked and thought it was dead, but when I tapped the cage, its leg twitched. I then thought it was just sleeping (albeit in an unfamiliar position), but when I opened the cage and tried to get its attention by nudging it gently with its chew stick (I'm afraid to touch this one because it bites me quite hard), I noticed its body just flopped around in whichever direction I nudged it. It wasn't able to move on its own. I took it out of its cage and held it. It wasn't able to right itself, and even when I tried to position it so that it was back-up, it's body was limp and took on very awkward positions. It was drained of energy, and couldn't even lift its head. At times, it would flop back over on its side or onto its back, and when it could muster up the strength, it would try desperately to flip back over but its legs would just flail in the air. If it DID manage to right the front half of its body, its back half couldn't seem to coordinate and would remain flipped upside-down. I couldn't imagine what was wrong, and I called my boyfriend in a panic to describe the symptoms and ask for advice. He happened to ask how my other hamster was doing. I told him I hadn't yet checked on that one because I was so busy watching the sick one. I just assumed it to be asleep, . I then checked on my other hamster, and found it dead in its house. It laid on its side, and its body had already stiffened.

I devoted the rest of my attention to the one that was still alive. I tried giving it water and food, but it refused both. Towards the end, it started opening and closing its mouth repeatedly, as if it was gasping for air. Then it died in my hands.

I don't understand what could've gone wrong to cause both to die on the same day, and in what looks to me to be the same manner. I've owned hamsters before, and they usually pass away looking as if they are just sleeping, but I found my baby one on its back and the other on its side. I'd seen and played with them two nights prior, and they'd been energetic, running on their wheel and playing in their exercise ball. The only subtle change that I'd noticed recently was in my bigger hamster, which had always been more friendly, in that it was more aggressive and had started biting me. I'd given them a fresh bowl of food a food days earlier.

Please, if you can, help me understand what happened. I'd really appreciate it! It was horrible watching my hamster die right before my eyes!

Hi Vivian

Sorry to hear that your hamsters have died.

Were their cages side by side or in the same area?  Are they cages or tanks?

The first thing that comes to mind is aspergillosis - this often results in sudden death, with the hamsters struggling for breath and a reluctance/unable to move even for food.  It is caused by fungal spores - these can either be present in the room or in their cages.  They often occur when fresh food has gone mouldy, or the cage is damp (wood chippings/bedding put in when the cage has been washed but not dried), also the plastic houses that some hamsters have can cause condensation - and if they urinate in them this can cause the fungus.  The spores are released into the air and if the hamster breaths them in, they are deadly.  Even if you had got them to a vet, they still would have died - this is a serious condition.  Vets do treat with antibiotics, but often they are unsuccessful.

Other conditions that would cause two hamsters to die suddenly are wet tail - but you would have noticed this as they would have had diarrhea and would have been drinking a lot.  Some dwarf hamsters get diabetes which can cause them to die very young - but they would have been drinking loads of water and you would probably have noticed this too.

In the event that it was aspergillosis and you are thinking of getting more hamsters - you need to thoroughly clean and disinfect their cages - ideally, leave them soaking for a few days.  If there are any corners that have discolored due to urine, make sure these are especially clean - you may need to take a knife to the corners to scrape this off.  Dry the cages thoroughly. Throw away any plastic houses/toys in the cages - exchange them for more natural products.  Check the area where the cages are situated - is it part of the house that could be damp, are they in a garage/shed etc?  They need a dry environment, with constant temperature.

Before you get any other hamsters you really ought to check the above so that it doesn't happen again.  Always remove any uneaten fresh foods each day, and remove any soiled wood chippings/bedding on a daily basis.

I hope the above is of help to you.  Good luck if you decide to get any more hamsters.  Next time I would suggest getting a couple of dwarf hamsters at the same time - that way hopefully you'll only need one cage, unless they fight.
