Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > the perfect hamster maze

the perfect hamster maze

21 11:57:03

what/where can I get a maze that is easy for a hamster?

Hi Lexie,

Hartz makes (made?) a great maze.  It has a green bottom and a clear top so you can see your hamster running through it.  My hamsters loved it.  You may be able to find one at Walmart, or on eBay.  (Hartz hamster products are harder to find.)  Also, I think Habitrail makes something called a "Safari Maze."  I've never bought it, but it looks pretty fun and spacious for a hamster.  In addition, Super Pet makes a product called "Puzzle Pieces."  They're pieces that you can hook together in many different configurations, so that you can customize a maze for your hamster.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask :)
