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Gerbil Food

21 12:01:55

Can I feed our gerbil celery?

Hi Lynda!

Thanks for the question.

Yes, it is fine (and in fact I recommend) feeding gerbils fresh fruits and veggies in small amounts to supplement their regular diet.

Start out with small amounts of fresh vegetables every other day, and then slowly increase the amount and frequency to a tablespoon every day so you don't give your gerbil diarrhea.

Also, when feeding fresh foodstuffs, remember to remove any uneaten portions immediately (within twenty minutes or so, by then they've eaten all they are going to and have lost interest) to prevent spoiling and bacteria growth.

Remember to wash everything thoroughly, just as you would when feeding it to yourself, and have fun!

The only things you will need to avoid are the pits and seeds of fruits (like cherry pits, peach pits, apple seeds etc) and avacados.

I hope this helps, and feel free to ask me any other questions you may have!