Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > How can i tell...

How can i tell...

21 11:38:08

if my hamster is pregnant.
In May my male hamster was mating with her.
And she now looks bigger than she normally is.
How can i tell if shes pregnant.

PS my male hamster is not here no more(RIP=()


Depending on the species - i.e. if this is a Syrian or Russian, the gestation period is between 16 and 20 days.  Therefore if they 'mated' in May by now she would have produced a litter.  

Pregnant hamsters tend to carry their litter on their hips - often you can see they are pregnant when stand upright as the bulge remains.  The fact that it has been over a month since she was mated, then there is no way she can be pregnant from him - you don't have any other hamsters that could have mated with her????
