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Strange Behavior

21 13:33:13

I have 3 Hamsters, all Teddy Bear, all female(positive, I checked), 2 short hair and one long hair. My problem is with my long hair named Senora Puff. She was running on her wheel and had been for about 30 minutes (stopping every minute for about 1-2 seconds when she lossed her footing) I thought she would have a heart attack so i placed my finger against her wheel gently to gradualy slow her to a stop so she would rest and when she finally left the wheel she jumped around the entire cage like a ninja. She jumped off of her plastic hous and touched the roof. She stopped after about 5 seconds and hasn't done it since. What happened?

My hamster does that all the time. When hamster have fun or want to loose a little steam. When she was on her wheel, she was so intense that it didn't matter if she was to fall off, she would just get back on. But when you stopped her wheel she threw a temper tanturm. Dont worry about it she will calm down and be her own self.