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Dwarf Hamster fighting

21 11:07:24

I have two dwarf hamsters, and I thought they were both boys, and two weeks ago they ended up with babies, and I thought keeping them together would be okay.
Today I went to check on them and they were seriously fighting, and one of them (i assume it's the mother, but I'm not sure) is bleeding from its foot and from its chest area.
I immediately separated them and I'm wondering what I should do now.

Please help! Thank you so very much,

Dear Steffani,
thank you for your question.
Sadly, in captivity dwarf hamsters usually fight sooner or later and need to be separated. This has probably to do with the fact that even the biggest cage is much smaller than the territory they would have in the wild and the hamsters can never really avoid each other.

The babies need their mother for at least two more weeks, they are not able to survive on their own yet. When they are 29 days old, you need to separate the male babies (they may be able to mate from that age on) and you may try to introduce them to the adult male. That way, they will have an adult to learn from. If that doesn't work, they shouild stay with each other until they are at least six weeks old and the females should stay with their mother until they are that old. Start looknig for good homes for each of them right away, but don't let them move there until they are six weeks old, they need that long to learn important behaviours.

The adults won't be able to live with each other again. Apart from that, you would end up with baby hamsters every few weeks and the stress of giving birth so often would shorten the lifespan of the female or even kill her.
I hope I was of some help to you