Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > question


21 11:28:42

what saught of things cause a hamsters death? iv just got my hamster for christmas and im scared it will die!!!!!!!!

Well many things can cause a hamsters death.  However, lets focus on the things you can do to make them happy and healthy okay?  First of all you need the right type of bedding.  I would suggest either SoftSorb or Carefresh because these have the fewest dangers to hamsters.  They need an appropriate water bottle and food bowl.  They need to be fed a good amount every day and their water bottle checked every day.  They need a wheel that needs to be solid and not have slits in it so they won't hurt their feet.  They also need lots of toys such as those paper towel or toilet paper cardboard tubes or store-bought.  They need to be taken out of their cage every day and played with as much as possible. Their cage needs to be changed every 1-2 weeks or when soiled. If the hamster develops diarrhea or a wet poo like place on their bottom you need to immediately treat them with some store bought "DRY TAIL" preparation. Do these things and hopefully your hammie will live a long life.  Sometimes despite the best of care things still happen.  Just do your best and enjoy.