Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > pup eyes

pup eyes

21 12:01:45

They were born on july thats about two months old.And also lately ive had to open his eyes 3 maybe four times a day.

Followup To

Question -
Hi,one of my pups has been having problems with his eyes.Every morning I have to pull open his eyes,sumtimes 2 times a day.I was wondering what this is.Is he sick?

Answer -
Hi Matt,

First of all how old are your pups?

Hi Matt,

This happens sometimes to hamsters. The important thing is you should not pull open his eyes. You could easyly tear the eyelid. Instead take a wet Q-tip and gently rub over his eyelid, going from the outside of the eye to the inside corner until the eye opens. What type of bedding are you using? You do not want to use ceder or pine. This type of bedding is toxic to hamsters. The best kind of bedding to use is aspen. If you have anymore questions please write again.

Thank you for your question!