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Hamsters Brains

21 13:31:13

Hi, my name is Jack Tillman, and I am doing a Science Fair Project. I want to know about hamsters brains and if they have an effect to different kinds of music. Our topic is the following question: Do different kinds of music have an influence on a hamsters brain while running throuigh a maze? So basically, what music will have the positive influence and decrease the hamster's time,and which will have the negative influence and increase the hamster's time. Thank you for your time, and please email me back ASAP. The email is listed above.
P.S. And if you know of any websites we could look at, that would be helpful. Thankyou.

Well, im really not experienced with hamsters brains.  I mostly just know how to care for them.  The only thing I could suggest is doing experiments to test it.  Try building a maze and running the hamster through it with different types of music.  Also you could try searching the web with search engines such as or
Hope this helps, if you have any questions about hamsters' care then feel free to ask!