Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is she or not?

is she or not?

21 11:37:52

i have a female teddy bear hamster and i bought her from the pet store and she said she is probaly prego, i have been doing some looking on the web and they said she should start bitting? .... And can hamsters go outside? like for a walk?

Dear Jaimie,
thank you for your question.
Fenale hamsters from pet shops are usually pregnant because the pet shops don't care enough to seperate males and females.
Provide her with a lot of nesting material (unscented toilet paper or paper tissue and hay is fine, the hamster cotton ect. sold by pet shops is just a waste of money). Also, give her animal protein: mealworms, crickets, superworms or if you don't want to feed insects, curd cheese or cooked egg. Insects, are the best chioce, though.
Many pregnant hamsters are perfectly friendly, they just build a big nest and may get a bit fatter. The babies are born after 16-19 days.

Hamsters shouldn't be taken outside, it's just stress for them, they can catch a cold (which is serious for hamsters) and they may escape or get caught by a dog or cat. your hamster will enjoy running around in a hamster-safe room or play pen, though.
I hope I was of some help to you