Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > shy gerbils

shy gerbils

21 12:00:20

I just got two Gerbils that were in the same cage, problem is every time the other one goes near the shy one it squeaks! The shy one likes to hide and won't go near the other gerbil. What can i do to get the other one to be less shy and to be more sociabal with the other gerbil?  

Hello Corin,

Do you know they are definitely both the same sex? Do you know the age?

Have you seen them fighting at all? Does the braver of the two appear to be more aggressive, and try to 'mate' or fight with the shy one?

Sorry for all the questions!! I may be able to help more if i can know these answers!!

I hope i can help you,