Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Gerbils and Hamsters > is my hamster too warm?

is my hamster too warm?

21 11:42:34

its getting quite warm here, and i'm worried that my syrian hamster, teddy, is getting too hot. He is usually very energetic but he sits around alot when its warmer. What temperature should the room i keep him in be?? xx

It is possible for a hamster to overheat  as they cannot pant or sweat.  Therefore it is important to maintain a constant envirionment for them.  The ideal room temperature for a hamster is between 65-70F (18.3 - 21.1C).  If the room is getting very warm, try shutting out some of the sunlight - keep blinds/curtains shut, if you can, keep internal doors open so that air can circulate around the room.  If your hamster is in a tank, a wire cage would allow more ventillation.  You could put a fan in the room to try and cool the room down - but dont put this too near your hamster as he won't appreciate having this blowing directly at.  If there is a cooler room in your house, perhaps you could move your hamster into that room during the hottest time of the day.